This section aims to direct various professionals to resources that are particularly relevant to their service of victims of human trafficking. These resources are for first responders, social workers, attorneys, health care providers, law enforcement, educators, hospitality professionals, and more.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
1-888-373-7888 or text “Help” or “Info” to 233733
The hotline is staffed 24/7 with people trained in recognizing and identifying trafficking. They can help you make sense of the information that you have and recommend next steps.
Child Protective Services
Call Child Protective Services if a child is involved. Tell them you have concerns for trafficking during your intake call or online report.
Office of the Texas Attorney General, Human Trafficking and Transnational/Organized Crime Section
The Office of the Attorney General has law enforcement officers specifically trained to combat and investigate human trafficking around the state of Texas.
United Against Human Trafficking
United Against Human Trafficking trains professionals to identify and appropriately respond to human trafficking.
Love 146
Love 146 is a U.S.-based 501 non-profit international human rights organization that works toward the abolition of child trafficking. Love 146 conducts professional trainings to help equip professionals such as teachers, social workers, law enforcement officers, and others.
Kylie Abegg, Texas Regional Coordinator
Children at Risk
Children at Risk leads educational presentations on human trafficking in Houston. Awareness bus tours where participants learn to identify the red flags and potential signs of human trafficking in their community are also offered.
Additional Resources
This digital training video from the Attorney General of Texas arms the viewer with an understanding of what human trafficking is and is not, and helps them recognize that this is a Texas problem with Texas buyers, sellers, and victims. It refocuses our attention on adults and children who are regularly exploited but are unlikely to self-identify as victims or seek help. This video walks the audience through actual cases prosecuted in the state of Texas, identifies the tools of traffickers and how they are typically utilized to obtain and maintain victims, and equips viewers with red flags and a reporting protocol.
Texas Human Trafficking Resource Center
The Texas Human Trafficking Resource Center is a statewide directory connecting Health and Human Services staff, healthcare providers, stakeholders and potential victims of human trafficking to local, state and national resources to identify and help people affected by human trafficking. The Center increases awareness of health care issues surrounding human trafficking victims and coordinate with stakeholders, including the Department of Family and Protective Services, the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Attorney General on anti-trafficking initiatives.